Blockchain in Energy: Decentralization and Sector Coupling

Blockchain in Energy: Decentralization and Sector Coupling is a half-day online event providing an overview of blockchain and its transformative role in the energy sector and how the technology contributes to integrating electric vehicles. BerChain e.V., Berlin Partner and Elia Group teamed up to bring together key players to present and discuss the existing blockchain-related use-cases as well as to inspire with decentralized visions of two key industries.

Join our event and get connected with energy and automotive enthusiasts as well as blockchain experts.

The half-day online event will offer the opportunity of a networking session with our high-profile speakers parallel to its program.

Event Agenda

Welcome Session by BerChain e.V, Elia Group & Berlin Partner: 9:30-10:00

Session 1: 10:00 – 12:00

10:00 – 10:15 Presentation on Green Tracking for P2P Trading by Jonathan Waldenfels, Product Lead at Energy Web

Jonathan is responsible for helping companies use EWF’s open-source tech-stack to build great products that fit the market and the customer. He explores new use cases and defines new areas of development that add to and extend EWF’s software toolkits.

10:15 – 10:30 Presentation on P2P Energy Trading by Dr. Richard Lohwasser, CEO at Lition

Founder of Lition Energy, an energy supplier that pioneered P2P trading in Germany in 2018 and by now supplies over 50.000 people with green energy.

10:30 – 10:45 Presentation of P2P Trading Use Case from Vienna by Sebastian Becker, Business Development Advisor at Riddle & Code

10:45 – 11:00 Presentation of Carbon Block Project by Gunther Walden, CEO and Co-Founder at CircularTree

Gunther held several Senior Management positions at Siemens in Germany and the United States. He has more than 25 years of experience in global supply chains and process automation. He has founded CricularTree to make it simpler & safer for companies to tackle their responsibilities along the supply chain.

11:00 – 12:00 Q&A round + Panel discussion


Mariane Quint (Berlin Partner) & Kai Schmied (Elia Group)


Cristina Mata Yandiola

Cristina holds a Bachelor’s Degree in energy engineering from Madrid University and a Master’s degree in Sustainable Energy Engineering from KTH and TU Berlin, specialising in grid integration of variable renewables and flexibility. She has extensive experience working on the grid integration of renewables and decentralized energy resources, at companies like Fraunhofer Institute, Selco Foundation and Iberdrola. Cristina is now responsible for the expansion of Power Ledger in Europe, helping European clients define and meet the challenges of distributed renewables and understand the potential of blockchain technology for this purpose.

Torsten Dahmen

Senior Innovation Manager with focus on B2B and industrial solutions/products targeting upcoming challenges caused by an increasing decentralization of the energy industry/system. A further aspect of my daily job is to identify, test and validate opportunities for E.ON to step into new or adjacent markets/industries.

Lunch Break: 12:00 – 13:30

Session 2: 13:30-15:30

13:40 – 13:55 Introduction and Presentation to the theme: Digital Identities and Blockchain, Machine – Identities by Jens Strüker Professor of Information Systems and Digital Energy Management at the University of Bayreuth

Jens Strüker is Professor of Information Systems and Digital Energy Management at the University of Bayreuth. He received his Ph.D. and habilitation in information systems and economics from University of Freiburg, after working as a visiting researcher at SAP Labs, Palo Alto. Jens is deputy director of the Project Group Business & Information Systems Engineering of the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT as well as director of the Fraunhofer Blockchain Lab in Bayreuth.

13:55 – 14:10 Mobility as a Service and the potential of grid services from vehicles by Harry Behrens CTO at Power&Mobility and Kai Schmied, Innovation Manager at Elia Group

Kai holds a Master degree in Energy Economics & Business Administration of the Technische Universität Dresden (Germany). After joining Elia Group International as a Consultant in the field of Asset Management and Power System Operations Kai continued as an Innovation Manager for energy markets at Elia Group. Kai set-up a blockchain Lab (DLT Lab) to test and validate decentralized ledger technology for the integration of distributed assets. The DLT Lab manages several proof-of-concepts together with industry partner as well as leading blockchain companies with strong focus on decentralized identification and e-mobility sector coupling.

14:10 – 14:25 Blockchain Machine Identity Ledger by Sara Mamel, Digital Innovation, Blockchain and AI at German Energy Agency

14:25 – 14:40 Presentation Tokenmodel EnBW + Hands-on DID & VC by Christian Sander, Lead Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies at EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG

As Lead Blockchain & Distributed Ledger Technologies at EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG, Christian Sander deals with the application of new technologies in the energy industry. His tasks range from technology scanning and business model analysis to the implementation of various applications, such as energy sharing, proof of origin and quality.

14:25 – 15:30 Q&A round + Panel discussion

Moderation: Ricardo Garcia (BerChain) & Amira Gutmann-Trieb (Berlin Partner)


15:30 – 16:00 Concluding remarks and good-bye by BerChain, Elia Group and Berlin Partner

About BerChain

BerChain is a member-led, non-profit association, connecting and promoting the thriving blockchain ecosystem and community in Berlin through collaboration, events, and activities around the topic of blockchain, positioning Berlin as the Blockchain capital.

About Elia Group

Elia Group is an electricity transmission system operator (TSO) ensuring that production and consumption are balanced around the clock, supplying 30 million end users with electricity. With subsidiaries in Belgium (Elia) and northeast Germany (50Hertz), Elia Group develops, maintains, and operates 19,271 km of high-voltage network and is one of Europe’s top five TSOs. With a reliability level of 99.99%, we give society a robust power grid, which is important for socio-economic prosperity.

Elia Group aspires to be a catalyst for a successful energy transition towards a reliable, sustainable, and affordable energy system. By expanding international high-voltage connections and integrating ever-increasing amounts of renewable energy production, Elia Group promotes both the integration of the European energy market and the decarbonization of our society. Elia Group is also innovating its operational systems and developing market products so that new technologies and market parties can access our grid, thus making the energy transition happen.

About Berlin Partner

Business and technology support for companies, investors and scientific institutions in Berlin – this is Berlin Partner‘s mission. With customized services and an excellent science and research network, our experts provide an outstanding range of programs to help companies launch, innovate, expand and secure their economic future in Berlin.

About Berlin Partner: Energy Technology Cluster

When it comes to energy technology, the capital region Berlin-Brandenburg is home to more than 6,500 businesses. A professional cluster management team supports companies and research organizations to develop and implement innovative projects contributing to an energy system mainly based on decentralized and renewable power generation in an increasingly digitized environment.

These event ist promoted together with our partner BTC-ECHO the leading German-language media platform in the areas of blockchain, digital currencies, and Bitcoin.

This event is funded by the State of Berlin and the European Regional Development Fund through the Investitionsbank Berlin.